Last week I wrote about how we with more sensitive natures are that canary in the coal mine. Our sensitivity is essential to our own well-being and equally important as a beacon to our community.
Our bodies are finely tuned antennas. They receive vibrations all the time from sounds, the food we eat, or people’s energy. Awareness of the outside signals and how they impact us is a natural segue to turning our focus to within.
I’m talking about that quiet voice inside that informs without words.
Let’s go to Webster to ensure we’re all on the same page.
in·tu·, i ·tion
the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.
A few weeks ago, I wrote in-depth about our intuition or the Knowing. If you want a refresh, you can read about it here.
The world is untethered from this Knowing. It’s been bobbing around without a navigation system. Here’s how it happens.
Maybe you have:
Ignored your inner voice when it speaks to you.
Kept too busy by going from task to task without a pause.
Doubted yourself when you sensed something off.
Complained about your monkey mind and avoided quiet time alone.
Believed your every thought as the gospel truth.
Dismissed every new idea and inspiration as impractical and stupid.
Abandoned your voice and never spoke your truth.
Disregarded coincidences and synchronicities as nonsense.
Numbed yourself with alcohol and other substances.
Listened to outsiders instead of yourself.
Whatever you’re doing from the intuition hit list, do the opposite! Now more than ever, we need to cultivate trust in ourselves.
Our world is in trouble. We need our compass back.
Coaxing the Knowing back takes practice. It takes time. Meditation helps.
Can you bring it back to full and operational? Yes, you can.
Are you willing to do what it takes to bring it back? Only you have the answer.
We are all hoping you say yes.
Our Gentle Yoga series is canceled! We did not have enough signups to hold the class.
The book for May is “The Little Old Lady Who Broke All the Rules” by Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg. We meet on May 2nd at 7 p.m. to discuss. We welcome new faces and hope you’ll attend.
This is the last book club meeting until October 2022. Sign up for the May Zoom link here.