To Create Quality Friendships, You Must Have This One Love Relationship First
Our most important relationship is the most neglected one.
The world population is at an all-time high.
With 7.8 billion people worldwide, why are we the loneliest we've ever been?
The pandemic exacerbated that feeling. When it started in March 2020, the pandemic delivered a reprieve from the rat race and social connections.
While the pandemic was catastrophic for many families, it also brought a sense of solitude where we could just be. We finally could hear ourselves think.
Over time, the pandemic worsened an existing global epidemic of loneliness. Loneliness is a stressor that harms us physically, mentally, or cognitively. Its chronic presence causes inflammation, premature death, heart disease, dementia, depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbances.
Nobody wants to admit they're lonely.
Sometimes when I feel lonely, I start thinking something must be wrong with me, or maybe I'm a loser. Acknowledging I am lonely triggers a cascade of negative thoughts. That’s why I don’t want to admit it to myself or anyone else.
Like our counterparts in the animal kingdom, we've been social creatures from the beginning. When people lived in tribes, the collective relied on each other, keeping each other safe and nourished.
Our tribes look and act differently today, but we still can't survive without each other.
Herein lies the paradox.
Yoga says we already have everything.
We are a part of the universe, and separation from each other is an illusion. When we live as our authentic selves, we see ourselves as complete and whole—a beautiful reflection of creation. There is nothing outside of ourselves we are lacking.
We are our own source of fulfillment. Our relationships with others, while important, don't lead to inner contentment. In this respect, we can set our loved ones free so they, in turn, can return to their authentic selves.
We've traveled far away from our home base.
We were the closest to our authentic selves as kids. Our parents, schools, and communities slowly pry us away from our Higher Selves. We become work commodities and are objectified in our roles as parents, spouses, and caretakers.
The call to come back to ourselves is strong and constant.
Once aware, we can turn around and make the journey home.
We aren't drawn to superficiality or drama anymore. Tranquility is what we seek, and we will find it within. We are our own best friends.
On our way, we will attract dedicated people like us. Friendships become deep and intimate because they’re based on truth.
How do we find our way back?
Develop a still mind by practicing yoga daily, and you will acquire a profound sense of belonging and unity. You’ll remember who you used to be.
If you need help with a meditation practice, let me know. I’d love to help.