Apr 18Liked by Ilona Goanos

Somehow, through all of the mistreatment and judgement by others, you loved yourself enough to keep walking down a new path. In reconnecting with LG you fell back in love with your young self and then the force was unstoppable like a chemical reaction. I am so happy for you, and for us.

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Oh my gosh, Ilona! I so related to some of this and even some of it about your relationship with your mother and about being a Eucharistic Minister (I was one too!) and then getting treated the way you did...so many wounds...but your attitude is so wonderful. I feel very grateful to have found you on Substack and gain you as my friend.

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Apr 17Liked by Ilona Goanos

Ilona, I am so sorry that you were made to feel an outcast in the very groups who should have been non- judgmental and supported you . What a journey. I hope you love your current path!

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I am so inspired by your truth and the honor you show yourself. It is incredible that you walked through this storm to get to yourself, but you did!

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I like this quote - what other people think of me is none of my business.

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Our stories have many parallels, though mine was easier because I didn’t have a close-knit community around me to lose / be cast out of. Here’s to finally having the love you deserve!!!

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Apr 25Liked by Ilona Goanos

My goodness Ilona, your story is an elegantly expressed tail of trials to tribulation. The courage you took to weather the storm from hypocritical religious people is astounding. But, fear shows its tentacles in many ways. Everyone displayed theirs instead of love and compassion. And now we get to be encouraged by your bravery to live a happy life. You rock!

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Ilona, it must have been darn near impossible to bid adieu to so many of the things that made up your identity. That required an unbelievable amount of strength to do that. I'm happy you didn't let the weight of other people's judgement/opinions deter you from seeking your own path to happiness. You deserve happiness just as much as anybody else does.

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We only have this one life. It sounds as if yours has been rich and filled with growth and love—even when that love has sometimes been painful. There’s a strength of spirit that comes through in your story. Thanks for sharing it.

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This is a really powerful story, and I'm going over to read the other "parts" you linked. Thank you for having the courage to share such painful choices and consequences, along with the joy.

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Apr 18Liked by Ilona Goanos

I'm so happy you found the happiness you deserve. You are brave and strong and hopefully as your kids have grown they've been able to recognize that! Thanks for sharing, Ilona.

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Apr 18Liked by Ilona Goanos


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